Are Springer Spaniels Easy To Train – They Sure Are!




Are springer spaniels easy to train

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As we go through life, we all need to be trained in many things, beginning with potty training and moving on to bicycling using “training” wheels.

As we get older, we require job training. All branches of the military have basic training. And dogs, yes, they need training too, just like us two-legged humans.

Are springer spaniels easy to train? Yes, they sure are, and the following are some insights into the springers mentality and some training tips.

Are Springer Spaniels Easy to Train?

Springer spaniels love praise and attention and are extremely easy to train. They also love their treats, which can sometimes be helpful in training.

Spaniels are an awesome family pet and enjoy carrying out jobs for their owners while having no trouble responding to commands. This is why springer spaniels are often used by police and at airports as sniffer dogs.

Why Are Springer Spaniels Easy to Train?

Springer spaniels are highly intelligent as well as being people pleasers. Other breeds of dogs are also intelligent but can be stubborn. The spaniel is never a stubborn dog.

Spaniels have been bred for working and retrieving. They have worked and been trained closely by people and have been ranked highly in ” working” intelligence.

Training is not magical and takes time, but the springer spaniel has been proven to obey commands quickly right from the start.

Springer Spaniel Training Tips


Start training with your puppy when they are young, and if you’ve adopted an adult spaniel if any training is needed, there is no reason at all why an older spaniel can’t be taught new things.

Training will help you build bonds with your dog right from the start; however, spaniels and all dogs are pack animals. This means that every pack has an alpha leader.

In the case with your spaniel, you must show them from the beginning that you are the pack leader. If other family members reside in your house, your pup must always be the lowest member of the pack.

This can be accomplished with firm commands and will assure you of having a non-aggressive, obedient, and well-behaved springer.

Always begin training sessions slowly, without overwhelming your pup with too many learning experiences at once. Try teaching one thing at a time and stick with short lessons.

Fifteen minutes or less are adequate to begin. Spaniels can often be a little anxious when presented with new sounds, smells, and places, so keep the training sessions short and sweet.


Make every training session a positive one. Being sensitive dogs, springers want to please but can be put off by scolding. Remember that they are learning. Always give them positive reinforcement with praise and sometimes a treat. It is OK to tell them no but don’t become angry and yell.


As well as keeping training sessions short, consistency is key to a well-trained dog. Practice with your pup daily, and you both will be rewarded in the long run. Spaniels were bred to work, and training is a type of work for them, and it keeps them busy both mentally and physically.

If you want certain things, such as no to being on the bed and no jumping, then it has to be a no, no all of the time. If you waffle, then they will become confused, and you will end up angry. No is no all of the time. You will be rewarded because your spaniel will grow into a cheerful and happy but well-behaved dog.

Springer Spaniel House Training

House training should begin as soon as your springer enters your home. Take your spaniel pup outside every twenty to thirty minutes to a designated area to do their business.

Find a term for this, like potty or bathroom or whatever you want so they get the idea and always use the same spot. As they get older, you can increase the time between bathroom visits.

Puppies usually don’t have control over their bowels or bladder until around twelve weeks. Keep a watchful eye on them for signs like pacing, sniffing, and circling and urge them outside.

When your pup is successful with outside bathroom duties, make a big fuss or reward with a treat. If they have an accident in the house, which will probably happen, tell them no but never yell or carry on.

If you don’t catch them in the act, do not scold. They will become confused and won’t know what they are being scolded for. Clean the mess up to eliminate odor and to deter them from using this area again.

Puppy pads can be used to designate a particular place in your home for elimination, but it is best to go the outside route. It won’t be long until they have the idea and let you know when they need to go out.


A springer spaniel is rarely an aggressive dog. When they are puppies and mealtime, we need to go back to the pack mentality. Pack leaders eat first, so that means the family eats, and then your springer eats. It is not being mean. With consistency, they will soon get into the routine.

While your pup is eating, it is also a good idea to pet them and touch them and sometimes move their food.

Some dogs develop food aggression to the point that you can’t go near them when they have any kind of food, or they will growl and even bite. A springer spaniel is a good-natured dog, and this shouldn’t be a problem, but practicing these tips are good, especially if you have small children in the house.

Off Limits!

Again, teaching your springer what is off-limits around your house right from the start and sticking with it is necessary. If you don’t want them sleeping in your bed, then it’s a no from the beginning.

A dog sleeping in your bed is never a good idea. You are the pack leader, and therefore you should always be higher up than they are. Having them in your bed does not advertise this.

If you want no jumping, which can be dangerous when the elderly or children visit your home, then there is never any jumping. You can’t think it’s cute one day and then scream about it the next. Your dog will get mixed signals and become confused. Always be consistent.

Crate Training a Springer Spaniel

A crate can be used as a way of confining your dog when you are away. For puppies, this can be a good idea so they can’t get into mischief when you aren’t home, but puppies should not be left in crates for long periods.

To begin using a crate, whether your springer is a pup or older, start when you are home by placing some comforting items inside like a bed, blanket, and favorite toys. Instinctively, dogs like a safe place or den.

Allow them to check it out and when your spaniel enters, close the door, beginning for short periods of time. Gradually build up the time if they are comfortable. Don’t let them stay in until they soil, especially puppies who have small bladders. This would only be a negative.

The crate may soon become their sanctuary and secure spot, and when left open, you will probably find them in there just chilling.


Socialization of your springer spaniel begins with the bond they form with you and your family. This is most important, and beyond training, there should be play and cuddle time to allow these close bonds to form.

Helping your puppy become socialized with new people and experiences is also part of their training. A socialized springer is a happy, well-rounded dog and will help prevent phobias and behavior problems down the road.

The first three months of your spaniel’s life is most important in the socialization process. An adopted adult springer spaniel, if not a social butterfly, can also become more social with patience.

Acclimate your spaniel to many different experiences such as smells, sounds, people, places, etc. Introduce them to many new places and make these positive experiences. Take it slow, trying not to overwhelm. Springer spaniels are inquisitive and may jump on ahead, so follow their lead when experiencing new people and places.

Obedience and training classes are another excellent way to socialize your spaniel. While getting accustomed to people, other dogs, and commands, they, along with you, will receive very beneficial training and helpful hints and tips. You may also make new friends, and your pup will enjoy the company of some dog friends.

Training on Leash

Reminding you once again that you are the pack leader, training on the leash will take time and patience while showing your pup that they walk with you, not in front. They are not the leader. You are.

Teaching your pet to walk on a leash is a necessity. Many cities and towns have leash laws requiring a dog to be kept on a leash for others’ safety and their own.

Begin by getting them used to wearing a collar before you introduce the leash. Keep it on for short periods until they are unaware of it.

Add the leash and use a fenced-in area, allowing your pup to smell the leash and drag it around to get used to the feel of it. Do not allow your spaniel to chew on the leash.

If you must, give them a toy to carry for distraction. When they are familiar with the leash, then pick it up but hold it loosely. Don’t get into a pull and tug session, dropping the leash if they begin pulling.

As you start walking with your spaniel, use short commands of “walk,” “stop,” “sit,’ or “stay,” pulling back on the leash gently if they try to rush ahead.

Always stay calm and don’t show any frustration. Give praise for a job well done. Sessions should be kept short and always with positive reinforcement. Set aside much-needed playtime afterward. Spaniels are a quick study in training. They will soon equate their leash with fun times and adventure!

Final Thoughts

There are many different training types, such as traditional, balanced, and modern methods, plus numerous books and DVDs on these subjects.

Clicker training can also be used as a way to create positive reinforcement without treats. Obedience and training classes are excellent if you are unsure, just to get you and your springer started off on the right foot.

However you decide to train your pup, training is imperative for your springer spaniel’s health and well-being.

Remember that calm and patience will help in a smooth transition from puppy to adult. Springer spaniels are intelligent and easy to train, making for a win on the road to a well-behaved dog.

Disclaimer does not provide veterinary advice. We aim to provide you with information to enable you to make a good decision when making a purchase or to care for your dog.

All content is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. If you’re concerned about the health of your pet, you should contact your vet for advice.

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