Do Springer Spaniels Bark A Lot? – Let’s Find Out




Do Springer Spaniels Bark a Lot

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Getting a dog – the age-old question of which breed is the best? While factors like size, energy levels, and life span are vital factors to bear in mind when choosing which breed of dog is best for a first-time pet owner, a key question to be asking yourself is ‘Do Springer Spaniels Bark a Lot?

The English springer Spaniel is a medium sized dog with a gentle nature and is not known to excessively bark, tho it may bark if approached by a stranger or something in its surroundings change or upset it.

How big of an issue is springer spaniel excessive barking?

All varieties of spaniels are loving and affectionate dogs, but the energetic springer spaniel is the most playful and fun of them all. While these dogs are one of the most alert breeds, Springer Spaniels are not all that prone to bark a lot.

They were originally bred as hunting dogs, which means they were trained to flush and retrieve game, but they were also taught not to be vicious towards humans or other dogs, making them lovable and huggable.

However, this doesn’t mean to say that your Springer Spaniel won’t bark. Seeing new, unfamiliar people can be a trigger for these dogs, but it depends on your spaniel’s personality. All dogs love the sound of their own voices, so it is not unusual for any breed to bark, but it can be easy to solve the problem if you know what is triggering it

What is the main motivation for springer spaniels barking?

As we already know, dogs love the sound of their own voices and some breeds do bark a lot. Springer Spaniels don’t bark much, there are several reasons why they might, and understanding their motivation for barking makes it easier to cut the problem off at the source.

The three primary triggers are:

  • Unfamiliarity
  • Attention
  • Overexcitedness

The main reason that a springer spaniel will bark is if there is an unfamiliar person, animal or object (my dogs can often bark if I move something in the garden to a new place). This is NOT your dog being aggressive towards new people! It is merely an expression of either a slight fear or more likely – curiousness.

As you know, Springer Spaniels are hunting dogs, so their instincts tell them to explore as much as possible while alerting their pack of fresh danger, therefore when something new comes into their lives, their first reaction will probably be to bark.

This applies to pretty much all dogs, but Springer Spaniels, in particular, love to get attention. Barking for attention isn’t generally something that Springer Spaniels are known for, but this can be something that motivates a spaniel to bark.

This problem mainly depends on the personality of your particular dog. if a Springer Spaniel is barking a lot for no reason, petting your springer, it is a simple solution, but you should try to find the trigger for the barking before overdoing the petting as this may lead to a needy dog.

As previously mentioned, springer spaniels are a very energetic and excitable breed of dog. Again, it depends on your particular animal’s personality, but being overexcited is another motivation for a springer spaniel to bark a lot.

For example, going on a walk and being fed are two big, exciting moments in your dog’s day, so this will probably cause them to bark. The problem is easily fixed by merely hiding the leash, or preparing the food in a different room, so there is no chance of the spaniel getting overexcited.

Springer spaniel Puppy Barking – start them young to prevent problems later

The best way to deal with excessive barking is to get through to your pup at a young age. Taking the dog to some professional training sessions (there will be plenty of cheap puppy training centers in your local area) is the best way to knock that instinctive need to use their voice out.

These are run by people who are qualified in the field of training and have tips from personal experience with their own puppies, so will give you lots of helpful advice on how to reduce the amount of excessive barking going on.

Use lots of positive reinforcement.

Don’t yell at your dog – using a loud voice is not scaring them, it’s doing the opposite – when you shout, it encourages your dog to shout with you. Instead, try speaking in a regular or whispered voice and make a big fuss when your dog stop barking.

Be consistent to avoid confusion – your dog will be confused if you let it get away with barking sometimes but not others.
Make sure everybody in the household uses the same training methods every time your springer barks a lot.

Don’t be harsh on your dog every time it does something wrong. Being harsh often does more harm than good, be kind every time it does something right – springer spaniels respond particularly well to positivity from their owners.

Remove the motivation to bark

Dogs will always bark for a reason. For the motivations of barking, see the above section. However, those are not the only reasons a dog will use its voice. If your springer spaniel gets a treat every time it stops barking, its brain will make a connection between barking, and getting a treat.

To alleviate this, rather than rewarding the spaniel every time it finishes barking, try giving the dog a treat every time it could have barked but didn’t!

In a nutshell, Springer Spaniels are not known for being aggressive, or excessive barking dogs, but that doesn’t mean that they are perfect. All dogs love the sound of their own voice, some breeds are prone to bark a lot others not so much, and whether a dog barks or not generally depends on its surroundings and its personality.

If barking is a problem for your dog, there are lots of simple methods for reducing the amount your dog barks, and with some patience and good-will, the barking will no longer be a problem. But the main question is ‘Do springer spaniels bark a lot?’. And the answer is no; they do not bark a lot.

How can I prevent my Springer Spaniel from excessive barking?

To address excessive barking in Springer Spaniels, it’s essential to identify the underlying cause. Here are some strategies to help prevent excessive barking:

  1. Exercise and mental stimulation: Ensure your Springer Spaniel receives an adequate amount of physical exercise and mental stimulation each day. Engage them in activities like walks, playtime, and puzzle toys to keep their minds occupied.
  2. Training and socialization: Train your Springer Spaniel to respond to basic commands like “quiet” or “enough.” Positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, can be effective in teaching them appropriate barking behavior. Additionally, proper socialization with other dogs and people can help reduce anxiety-based barking.
  3. Provide distractions: Offer your dog toys, interactive puzzles, or chew treats to redirect their attention and keep them occupied. This can prevent boredom-induced barking.
  4. Address separation anxiety: If your Springer Spaniel barks excessively when left alone, gradually accustom them to being alone through desensitization training. Start with short durations and gradually increase the time spent alone.
  5. Seek professional help: If your efforts don’t yield results or if the excessive barking is causing significant distress, consult a professional dog trainer or a veterinarian for guidance. They can provide tailored advice based on your dog’s specific needs.


Can Springer Spaniels be trained to bark less?

Yes, Springer Spaniels can be trained to bark less. Through consistent training and positive reinforcement, you can teach your Springer Spaniel to control their barking behavior. Training techniques such as “quiet” or “enough” commands can be effective in teaching them when to stop barking. However, it’s important to note that completely eliminating barking may not be realistic or desirable, as barking is a natural means of communication for dogs.

How can I reduce my Springer Spaniel’s barking?

Provide proper training, exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization.

Do Springer Spaniels bark a lot when left alone?

Some Springer Spaniels may bark when left alone due to separation anxiety or boredom.

Is excessive barking a common behavior in Springer Spaniel puppies?

Yes, puppies may bark more frequently as they are curious, exploring, and learning about their environment.

Is it possible to completely stop a Springer Spaniel from barking?

It’s unlikely to completely stop a dog from barking, as it is their natural way of communication, but it can be managed and reduced through training.

Can getting another dog as a companion reduce a Springer Spaniel’s excessive barking?

It depends on the individual dog. Having a companion can provide mental stimulation and reduce boredom, which may help with excessive barking in some cases.

Are Springer Spaniels more prone to barking compared to other breeds?

Springer Spaniels can be more prone to barking due to their hunting instincts and high energy levels, but individual behavior may vary.

Disclaimer does not provide veterinary advice. We aim to provide you with information to enable you to make a good decision when making a purchase or to care for your dog.

All content is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. If you’re concerned about the health of your pet, you should contact your vet for advice.

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