Do Springer Spaniels Make Good Pets?- You Bet They Do!




Do Springer Spaniels Make Good Pets?

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Springer spaniels are adorable dogs and are definitely worth considering if you are looking for a new family pet.

They are a medium-sized breed with feathering on their fur and long, floppy ears. There are plenty of positives to springer spaniel ownership; however, there are some downfalls too.

But do springer spaniels make good pets? Read on for more!

(Springer spaniels have wonderful personalities, getting on well with humans of all ages, and most of the time, other pets too. They can have issues with separation anxiety and can sometimes be a bit much with their over-excitement, but overall; they make perfect pets.)

Are Springer Spaniels Good With Kids?

Springer spaniels have a background as a working breed, and as part of their job, they needed to get on well with lots of different people, so they are generally very good with families of all ages and generally do get on well with kids

They get on well with new humans but may be shy or nervous when an unfamiliar person enters the home and sometimes show this through barking or hiding. 

You can’t predict whether a springer will get along with other family pets, especially if they are different animals (e.g., cats, rabbits). It depends on the dog’s background as well – rescues or mistreated pets may well have trust issues.

Are There Any Issues With Health and Temperament to Be Aware Of?

Springer spaniels are great dogs who will always be loyal and trusting. They are also relatively easy to train and will be welcoming to most new people and pets. In terms of health, they are generally in good shape because they do so much exercise. 

However, there are some little things to be aware of when looking at getting a springer spaniel:

  • SEPARATION ANXIETY – lots of springers suffer from this and can’t be left alone for long periods of time
  • MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS – due to lack of exercise and socialization with other dogs
  • OVEREXCITEMENT – one of a springer’s less enjoyable personality traits is being overexcited – this can also cause the dog to lose bladder control
  • DYSPLASIAS AND INFECTIONS – hip, elbow, and knee dysplasia and eye and ear infections are common ailments to be aware of

How Can I Avoid Some of the Problems Springers Have?

There are three main ways to avoid as many of the problems that come with springers as possible. However, it is essential to note that not all of a dog’s problems can be fixed, and as an owner, you will need to be prepared to take on some of the less amusing tasks that come with a springer. That said, here is how to avoid some difficulties:

  • Choose a puppy from a respectable breeder – so you know they haven’t been mistreated during the first part of life, as this can cause mental damage in the long term, leading to anxiety and aggression
  • Choose an adult dog if he is from a rescue center – you can be sure that the spaniel won’t develop any new traits, so you can see exactly what your getting
  • Train the dog during the early stages of development so that the spaniel can learn commands, lose any bad memories, and clearly understand who the master is

Expectations For the Owner of a Springer Spaniel

Before asking, “do springer spaniels make good pets,” you need to think about whether you will make a good owner. Part of taking on a springer is caring for them, which at first seems like a mammoth task, and if you’re not prepared to take this on, a springer may not be the right pet for you. You need to consider:


Springers need at least 2 hours of exercise per day, or they can become obese and develop serious mental health problems. Often, taking a springer out on a walk is the best way to avoid chewing, barking, and overexcitement because the dog will have burned off some energy.


Dogs need other doggie friends – whether you find them at a training center or on walks around town, springer spaniels need to socialize with other dogs in early development. Otherwise, they may become shy or even aggressive towards others. It’s also a good idea to meet new humans often, to help with nerves.


Grooming is a big responsibility when taking on a spaniel – they have very long fur which knots and tangles easily, and if it isn’t cleaned correctly, it will start to smell, and cuts may become infected.

A springer spaniel should be bathed and clipped every two months and needs brushing every week. It may seem like a big ask at first, but it will be much easier to keep the coat in check by doing this regularly rather than putting it off.

I use a slicker brush like this one and it makes short work of it

When grooming, you need to pay special attention to ear cleaning. A very common spaniel problem is ear infections because of their beautiful long ears. If owners don’t properly clean them enough, it can cause painful infections and temporary hearing loss.

Do Springer Spaniels make good pets?


  • Perfect size and very strong dogs
  • Very athletic and energetic
  • Get on well with kids and pets (for the most part), so great family dogs
  • Every dog is unique due to the large variety in coat colors and patterns
  • Polite and sociable
  • An incredibly cute breed


  • Need lots of exercise (can be positive or negative depending on your level of activity!)
  • Can suffer from separation anxiety and mental health problems, so can’t be left home alone.
  • Need brushing, bathing, and clipping frequently.
  • Several health problems they are prone to

Final Thoughts

So do springer spaniels make good pets? To start, the advantages of getting a springer spaniel outweigh the disadvantages, and the amount of love and care they will give you cancels out most of these problems anyway.

Some of the disadvantages listed come with any dog, like health problems, which may be worth looking into before getting any breed.
But if you are sure you want a dog, then a springer spaniel would be an excellent choice, especially for a family, so long as you’re prepared to take one on.

Disclaimer does not provide veterinary advice. We aim to provide you with information to enable you to make a good decision when making a purchase or to care for your dog.

All content is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. If you’re concerned about the health of your pet, you should contact your vet for advice.

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